Inevitably Swooped off my feet A leaf in a windstorm

Rooted once as a tree

Ripped to plummet

I--a mere piece in a tsunami

This the essence of a life

I buried scripted poems in my

Veins Hoping they would write me

A new lifeline Called out to

God with painful Cries

And disappearing diamonds in my eyes

I once glistened while my smiles lit up

Like The sun now somber and dismayed

Uneasy unsure.

The brink of a new version of self

Unsure or ready to relinquish her

Reaching ions for the sanctity of my sanity

The overwhelming brain transfers of

The fear of actually going insane

Waiting for the main to tame the maintain

Slipping essence of her like water slips through rocks Naima, the woman of strength

And power

The woman of hope and positivity

Falling into the suction of depression

The upheavals of anxiousness flowing

Over my body like tidal waves

Push and pull, push and pull

The waters aggressive like hurricanes Washed up ashore no rest on assurance This is what it feels like to die

The person you once knew dies

Slip and fall, struggling to gain footing There is no ground to step on

Last long, the sad song on repeat

Fall, fall deep into the consciousness Of unconscious wanting to be free Free like a jaybird in beauty of blue Wisps with wings from tree to tree Leaf to leaf, twig to twig

Twinging at the sound of my own voice Shaking as if to have

Parkinson's or that of a junky

Coming down in cold sweats

The sound of cackling and crashing verbs And words from tones of others

Erupting emotions rising like the

Height of mountains

Busy streets passing the eardrums like trucks In a car cash or screeching sound of

Nails on a blackboard

Reacting to the point of seclusion. Agoraphobia

Pushed feelings that froze

My steps to set

Foot on the pavement

Forget 10 toes down

Keep me safe in the comfort of familiar territory


Home became the prison I hid,

In prison in my own

Mind running, running

Vigorously out of time.

Passion drowned in the depths of the sea

Slipping from my grasp.

Edgy depression keeping

All senses submerged in a dark hole

Numb the outcry fell on deaf ears

Hands of care swept off my back

Nothing but the feeling of the wind

Air wasn’t strong enough to dry tears on the inside Tears fell often,

Collecting in a puddle beneath

My bed large enough to bathe in

Hoping the bath would replenish my soul

Dying and being conformed

I felt the voice inside me as loud as God

Bellowed out wanting to hear again

Accept, accept the new you my daughter Defenseless and fearful

Seconds, minutes from dying

This is the onslaught of a never-ending spiral Doing your best to find the grip of an invisible rail Spinning, spiraling out of control no explanation For the tremors and tripping, panic, the static

The inability to hear past the brink of shaking

The body reacts like being triggered

By electric shock

Locked into a State of unbelievable fear keep me grounded. Lifted up,

Up so high the stakes are high

Boom the bottom hits like bricks

Stick to the flows that remind You of home.

Lost a long way from home. Accept what, how can I...

I have to remember to survive The lift was that of a crescendo.

Penned-Naima Yetunde Hammonds.

Let’s Hear It!

I warmly welcome your thoughts and responses to the poems you read, as well as your original works for consideration to be published in the Poetry Corner. To submit your poem, please use the form below and include a brief bio. Please note that submissions should be original and unpublished elsewhere. Let’s celebrate the beauty of language together!

Naima Yetunde Hammonds

NYI, active in theater for over 10 years. One of the most exciting highlights of her career was working alongside Mr. Melvin Van Peebles on the adaptation of Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song-directed by Melvin Van Peebles. NYI, tripled as a production assistant, stage manager and actress and traveled with the company to Paris, France in the winter of 2010. Ince says, my goal is to reach my community and beyond. Sky's the limit.

Bachelors of Arts in Drama Studies from SUNY Purchase College
Masters of Professional Studies in Arts and Cultural Management from Pratt Institute


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