Throw_ Away_Love_Remix


Black sun-kissed Dripping melanin

Lined magenta walls Of complied, contorted

Contemplations on

My symmetrical movements through,

Padded souls and fallen stones

By the sight of my diamond eyes

And confident attitude

Hearts as big as the ocean

Sista was known for throwing away love

You know, the sexy kind, that would

Devour your mind with my presence

Stop the time… Eastern, Western, Central and Pacific.

Sticking to my brown sugar skin like glue

Discussing everything from over

The rainbow to the news

Toes curling in ribbons and smiles

Climbing the Eiffel Tower Of mental ecstasy

Tasting my essence

We became each other's secret diary

Each stroke of the pen

To a blank page was An invaluable counter

For sustenance for

The parched souls

We encase, we became

Like the blind When apart, re-lived

Through the touch of time in braille

Felt us, souls meshed

With blessed hands

Longing for the complimentary

Addition to a new chapter

Holding on to each others

Spirit like purified quicksand

Dried tears and bottled ties

Baggage heavy like miles Of

5,000-mile trip the golden dust in each other’s eyes we discovered a true

Reflection that beckoned

The depths of crystal clear-


I recognized that men throw love around,

Just as women do

Uncertain and making everything so

Certain with no room to discover

Just claiming a stake and a place

Because right now it feels oh so good

Knowledge is power type shit

That I’ll fight for what’s right

We are revolving- Familiar as if

We always had each other

Eclipsing anatomy’s converse secretly

We inched closer, closer and closer

Saying do you feel me yet.

We got our shit together type love

We’ll do anything just to secure

The smile, hug and kiss

The difference here is

The feeling of being still

And feeling the exhale of

A deep breath- let go-

Yours Viciously immersed into

The twinkling pavements

Drawing the bond as if To draw a bath we

Were doused in the

Splendor that our presence

Greets us with when together

Nothing and everything matters

Right now I stopped the time

For you, made space in the

Crowded chamber Of my heart where

Sorrow and scorched Wounds already controlled it

Put all these thoughts

Into this knapsack Of stars and told you

To eat from it slowly

In turn you offered Me yours

We both Were finally fed

Chose this lifetime To intertwine

Making everyday The first day of

Christmas Combined with Valentine’s Day

And make the cherry on top


We locked eyes Butterflies followed

Crowded the pit of my belly

Where we were stagnant

We raised each other

Silent tones Raging emotions

You come before I open my eyes

And before they shut

Sista like me was known-

For throwing away love

The silence It use to creep into my bed

And Sleep with me recklessly Echoing sounds

From your voice box Through the phone

And it seemed Like words

And I glided On the midnight blue sky

With stiletto heels You heard me

Felt me Said yes Weightless

Senseless Sleepless

No convincing

Love always lived

With us It’s God It’s knowing

I am your woman chosen

You are my man

Kissing my spirit Like fairytale dreams

You urge me to dig deeper

Feel deeper and stand up On ya,

You got my back

Better than a stiff rock

I love you I know you

All-together adore you

I’ll be wonder woman

And tell you to recite My name into the wisps

Of the wind

Finally I am in control

Enough to checkmate The game and remain


See sista like me was

Known for throwing away love

Now I embrace it

Endure it

No evasion

Just devotion

Empowered Evolution to become stronger

Between you and I

Healed wounds

On the bottom of my feet

Where I burned holes

Tight roping passion

With the wrong kinds Where

Boys stay playing On swing sets and

Pissing in sandboxes

He appreciates true beauty

Something so real It’s bigger than the universe

They cowered at the diamonds

In my eyes

He stood to understand each

Gem that made me glisten

Energized by our combined

Impeccable determination

No more painful lies

Our I love you’s

Stick like our sun-kissed


Not letting go

Embracing love

In Paradise

Penned-Naima Yetunde Hammonds

Let’s Hear It!

I warmly welcome your thoughts and responses to the poems you read, as well as your original works, for consideration to be published in the Poetry Corner. To submit your poem, please use the form below and include a brief bio. Please note that submissions should be original and unpublished elsewhere. Let’s celebrate the beauty of language together!

Naima Yetunde Hammonds

NYI, active in theater for over 10 years. One of the most exciting highlights of her career was working alongside Mr. Melvin Van Peebles on the adaptation of Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song-directed by Melvin Van Peebles. NYI, tripled as a production assistant, stage manager and actress and traveled with the company to Paris, France in the winter of 2010. Ince says, my goal is to reach my community and beyond. Sky's the limit.

Bachelors of Arts in Drama Studies from SUNY Purchase College
Masters of Professional Studies in Arts and Cultural Management from Pratt Institute

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